Monday, January 14, 2019

the story of an old woman

(all the images showed in this blogs are downloaded from google these image are not mine because i dont carry a camera always) 

It was night when i was returning to home with my brother from my shop
that day we were coming from bus

so the ticket price of the bus was 7.50 RS (INDIAN CURRENCY) So i took two tickets one for me and one for my brother which total cost 15rs but the bus ticket checker took only 10rs for two tickets i dont know why but that time i was happy😊  because i saved my 5rs when our stops come
 we both get down from bus and when we get down there was an old woman sitting on the streets 
asking for some money firstly i ignored her and started walking home but after taking few steps i fell really bad for her sotook my steps back and give her the 5rs which i saved from bus ticket after giving her 5rs she smiled😊 and said god bless u both which was so touching and after taht my brother also took out 5rs from the pocket and he gived it to her the smile on her face got doubled than before
after giving her some money we started walking home On the way back home i stared thinking about this inccident and then i realized that it should be the GODS work he saved my 5rs so i can give it to the needed one 

So guys please share this post and please help the nedded ones 

that was  pretty much for today see u in the next post 
if u like the post please comment and share it please 

OKKKiiii doKiiii by by 

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